Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I hire Abraxas if I'm an individual buying a business?
Why should I hire Abraxas for a strategic acquisition?
Why should I choose Abraxas?
Why do I need an exit strategy?
Who would buy my business?
Who do I need to have on my exit planning team?
When do I tell my employees and customers that I’m selling the business?
What other resources will I need to sell my business?
What makes a business valuable?
What is the process of selling a business?
What is the difference in Succession Planning and Exit Strategy?
What is my business worth?
What happens if there is a conflict during the selling process?
How do I maximize the value of my business?
How do I get paid when I sell?
Why should I hire Abraxas if I'm an individual buying a business?
Why should I hire Abraxas for a strategic acquisition?
What makes a business valuable?
Who would buy my business?
When do I tell my employees and customers that I’m selling the business?
What other resources will I need to sell my business?
What is the process of selling a business?
What is my business worth?
What happens if there is a conflict during the selling process?
How do I maximize the value of my business?
How do I get paid when I sell?
Why do I need an exit strategy?
Who do I need to have on my exit planning team?
What is the difference in Succession Planning and Exit Strategy?
Why should I choose Abraxas?